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Tuesday, March 01, 2011

US Ambassador Participates in “Yes You(th) Can” conference

Addis Abbaba, March 1, 2011 (Addis Ababa) - US Ambassador to Ethiopia, Donald E. Booth visited Jimma from February 25 to 27 to participate in the US-Embassy sponsored “Yes You(th) Can” conference, meet with Jimma officials and visit Ethiopian partnership project sites.

The US Embassy in collocation with the Jimma Bureau of Education Bureau, held an all-day conference on volunteerism, community service and leadership for 504 students from preparatory schools in Jimma and surrounding areas on Saturday, February 26 at the Jimma Central Hotel, a US Embassy press statement said. .

The pupose of the conference was to bring together Jimma area 11th and 12th graders to discuss the opportunities Ethiopian youth have to be contributors and leaders in serving their communities , country and world.

Ambassador Booth made a keynote multimedia presentation on community services that featured photos of his own experiences volunteering and videion clips of US President Barack Obama calling on young people to be active and engaged citizens.

T-4:25-4::35 PM

E-5 minutes


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