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Thursday, March 17, 2011

Response in Ethiopia 'too little, too late'

One news now, March 17, 2011
The government of Ethiopia is taking action after violent attacks by Muslims against Christians. The violence is believed to have been launched by an extremist Muslim group which falsely accused Christians of desecrating the Quran. The attacks spread to several villages, leaving scores of people dead and thousands homeless.

 Jonathan Racho of International Christian Concern (ICC) summarizes what happened. "The incidents started on March 2," he tells OneNewsNow. "They actually attacked several Christians and destroyed churches and one Bible school, one orphanage, and one church office."

During one week with no action by authorities, a total of 69 churches -- as well as the homes of 30 church leaders -- were torched. Racho reports the government of the mostly Christian nation has now dispatched troops to stop the violence. "But I would say it is too little, too late, because the damage has already been done," he laments.

Racho contends justice needs to prevail to send a message that similar incidents will not be tolerated. "The Ethiopian government has arrested around 130 of the perpetrators, and we hope they will be prosecuted according to the law," he says.

ICC is raising funds as it partners with local churches to provide critical needs such as food and clothing.

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