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Sunday, March 13, 2011

Gov’t striving to control human trafficking: Ministry

Adama, March 13, 2011 (Adama) -The government is striving to control human trafficking through reducing poverty and unemployment, which are the main causes for it, the Ministry of Labor and Social affairs said.

The State Minister, Dr. Zerihun Kebede said at a relevant workshop held in Adama Town , Oromia State on Sunday that sound policies set by the government enable the country to create job opportunities for millions of citizens.

According to the State Minister, the government has been working to create conducive environment to enable citizens work in their country and benefit from development.

He said the government is also striving to ensure the safety of Ethiopian citizens already working and desirous to work abroad.

Dr. Zerihun said preparations are finalized to establish a national committee comprising representatives various ministries to ensure the safety and rights of Ethiopian citizens working abroad.

Head of Mission. International Organization for Migration (IOM) Addis Ababa, Josiah Ogina, on his part said IOM will support the efforts of the government to control human trafficking.

Over 80 participants drawn from different ministries and regional bureaus are taking part in the two-day workshop.

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