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Saturday, February 26, 2011

Electoral Board Urges Electorate to Turn Out in Mass

Addis Ababa, February 26, 2011 (Addis Ababa) - The National Electoral Board of Ethiopia called up on the electorate to turn out in massive during the by-lection day scheduled for Sunday.

Public Relations Coordination Head with the Board, Yeshi Fekade said on Saturday that the electors should turn in the polls and elect those people capable of executing effectively the five year Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP).

Adequate number of people were registered to cast votes in by-elections.

Over 772,000 voters were registered, according to Board.

Observers have been assigned to all polling stations while representatives of election candidates have been following the process of election beginning form day one.

Voting will begin at 6:00 AM local time, according Yeshi.

There are 1,874 polling stations set up in Addis Ababa, South Ethiopia Peoples and Oromia state.

T-10:41-10:29 AM

E-5 minutes


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