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Monday, January 03, 2011

Running across Ethiopia

(1/ 3/2011, ode magazine) -Ten runners, ten marathons, ten days. Can a small group of runners make a difference in a country where only one third of its citizens are able to read? The runners will run village to village across a 250-mile trail route in southern Ethiopia, beginning January 9, 2011.

I will be there to cover the story for a weekly alternative paper in northern Michigan, where most of them live (Northern Express). Prior to the run, each runner raised $15,000 to go toward building three schools in some of the most remote areas of the country.

Think Three Cups of Tea meets The Longest Yard. The run is the brainchild of Chris Treter. Chris founded Higher Grounds about a decade ago, with the dream of buying coffee beans at a fair price from third world farmers. 

In Ethiopia, the birthplace of civilization, Chris was struck by the abysmal schooling which leaves kids with no hope with a better future. He’s dedicated 1% of his profits over the years toward schools, but wanted to do more with this run. Read the full story at Ode magazine »

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