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Thursday, December 30, 2010

Ethiopia: Crouching lions, hidden dragon

(30th December, 2010, The National)-- The baggage lounge at Addis Ababa's Bole airport is filled with activity as the Ethiopian Airlines flight from Beijing arrives. 

Young Chinese men, casually dressed in flannel trousers and shirts, gather around the luggage belt, lifting off large suitcases and heavily wrapped boxes.

A crowd of these arrivals, perhaps 50 strong, queue up together outside to be collected by a fleet of waiting minibuses.

These young men are not tourists. They live in Ethiopia, part of the influx of Chinese labour in the last decade that has changed the face of Africa.

In states across the continent, Chinese communities have sprung up. Some are based around the myriad infrastructure projects that the world's emerging superpower is implementing. Many are simply trading on a small scale, ... Read the full story at The National

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